Streets & Road |
Village Street : |
Most of you know 5years back we level each and every street and paved so that all rain water ends up into main rainwater gutter (Storm Sewage). |
All outside streets are leveled and paved/covered with cement road. |
Main approach road to Chikhodra : |
starting from ANAND-SARSA road entrance to eye hospital road is completed and we maintained. |
Roads connecting Chikhodra to other village : |
Gamdi to chikhodra via eye hospital is resurfaced with tar. |
Rasnol to chikhodra is completed. |
Vaghasi to chikhodra is under construction and will be completed by year end. |
Future approved road : |
Samarkha to chikhodra via Zandava will be completed within 2 years. |
From Anand food factory to chikhodra bus stand within 1 year. |